General Statement on Access to Information
Your name and address may be obtained from the motor vehicle register. Southern Autos is authorised as a member of the MTA to access this under the standard terms and conditions for motor vehicle traders under Gazette notice: 2022- au4073. We have been authorised to obtain and use the information for the following purposes: a) To confirm the vendor is a registered person of a motor vehicle that we (the Motor Vehicle Trader) are proposing to purchase, b) To assist in verifying that a change of registered person has been completed correctly for transaction in which the Motor Vehicle Trader is the purchaser or seller, c) In the case of Wholesalers only, where a motor vehicle is the subject of a safety recall listed in the safety recalls portal, to contact the registered person to advise them of any required actions in relation to the vehicle's safe operation. You can notify the registrar that you do not wish to have your name and address made available under an authorisation. To do so you can visit the Waka Kotahi website here: